
1. Scientist (n)
/ˈsaɪəntɪst/: a person who studies or has expert knowledge of science
Ex: My son wants to be a scientist.

2. Telescope (n)
/ˈtɛlɪˌskoʊp/: an optical instrument designed to make distant objects look closer than they actually are
Ex: He loves looking through his telescope.
3. Calculus (n)
/ˈkælkjələs/:a particular type of mathematics; the mathematical study of continuous change
Ex: I still don't understand how he passed the calculus test without studying!

4. Brillience (n)
/ˈbrɪljəns/: exceptional talent or intelligence
Ex: Achieving true brilliance requires both skill and practice.


Isaac Newton is often thought to be the greatest scientist who ever lived. No book about the history of science would be complete without mentioning him. Newton's law of universal gravitation helped scientists understand the tides. Newton studied the nature of light and invented a new kind of telescope. He even developed a special branch of mathematics known as calculus.

Yet, when Newton was a boy, he showed no signs of brilliance. He was born in 1642 in the Lincolnshire village of Woolsthorpe, and went to school in Grantham where, for his first few terms, he was nearly at the bottom of his class. Newton was once punched in the stomach by a schoolyard bully. He got so angry that he fought back, pushed the bully to the ground and rubbed his nose in the mud. After that, he was determined to show that he was neither lazy nor stupid, and soon he became the top student in his school.

In 1687, Newton wrote a book that is now most commonly known as Principia, which contained many of his most important ideas; it is perhaps the most important scientific book that has ever been written.

1. When and where was Newton born?

2. What kind of a student was Newton when he was young?

3. What are some of Newton's achievements?


1. Did you know anything about Isaac Newton prior to reading this article?

2. How would you describe Newton in one word? Why?

3. Why do you think Newton invented the telescope?

4. Why do you think Newton became determined to study more after the bully incident?

5. Can you name other brilliant people that brought significant contributions to mankind? What do you think about them?