
1. Alluring (adj): lôi cuốn
/əˈlʊrɪŋ/: appealing or attractive; seductive
Ex: She looked at him with an alluring smile and walked away.

2. Miraculous (adj): diệu kỳ
/mɪˈrækjələs/ :very surprising or marvelous; as amazing as a miracle
Ex: The athlete has made a miraculous recovery after a very serious injury.

3. Picturesque (adj): đẹp đẽ, sinh động
/ˌpɪktʃəˈrɛsk/ :(of a place) very pretty or attractive
Ex: We stayed in a village that was very picturesque.

4. Flesh (n): thịt
/flɛʃ/ :soft, edible parts of an animal's body or of a plant
Ex: The lions are eating the flesh of a dead animal.

5. Contrary to (pharse) :đối ngược với
/ˈkɒntrəri tə/ :conflicting or in opposition with something
Ex: One fish is swimming in a direction contrary to the others.

6. Photosynthesis (n): quang hợp
/ˌfoʊtoʊˈsɪnθɪsɪs/ ;the process by which plants produce energy from sunlight, water and carbon-dioxide
Ex: I can't remember anything about photosynthesis even though I studied it in school.

7. Carnivorous (adj):  ăn thịt
/kɑːˈnɪv(ə)rəs/ :(of a plant) able to digest insects or small animals
Ex: Carnivorous plants have adapted to low-nutrient environments by trapping insects.


Flowers, also known as “blooms” or “blossoms”, are the beautiful reproductive structures found in many plants. They come in various shapes, textures, sizes, and colors.

The alluring appearance of flowers is well-known. However, flowers are not only used for decoration, but health experts also use them for their miraculous healing properties. For instance, yarrow is good for treating wounds, high blood pressure, and fever. Arnica is good as a topical treatment for muscle or joint pain. The tooth edible lion can help treat digestive problems. And the list goes on.

The enchanting odors and picturesque grandeur of flowers are often celebrated in poetry. However, contrary to popular opinion, not all flowers smell good. "Corpse Flowers" are said to smell like rotting flesh to attract flies - their preferred pollinator. They are so pungent that people have been known to pass out from the smell alone!

Some flowering plants don't just rely on photosynthesis for energy either; some are actually carnivorous. For example, Venus fly traps have leaves covered in tiny hairs. When an insect lands on one of these hairs, the leaves will quickly snap shut. Chemicals are then released to digest the trapped insect.

1. What are flowers?

2. According to the article, what healing properties do some flowers have?

3. Do all flowers smell good?


1. Do you like flowers? Why? Why not?

2. Does your country have a national flower?

3. What is your favorite flower? Describe it.

4. If you were a flower, what would you be? Why?

5. Are flowers a suitable present for everyone? Why do you think some people dislike flowers?

6. “You are not your roots. You are a flower grown from them.” - Pavana. What do you think this quote means?