
1. Delineate (verb): mô tả, phác họa
/ɪˈlɪniːˌeɪt/ :describe or portray precisely
Ex: In her letter of complaint, she delineated her views on the company's practices.

2. Indisputable (adj): không thể phủ nhận
/ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəbl /: that is not subject to disagreement or denial; indubitable
Ex: It is an indisputable fact that he has anger management issues.

3. Pessimism (n): bi quan
/ˈpɛsəˌmɪzəm/ :a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen
Ex: There is a lot of pessimism about the future of the company

4. Tremendous (adj): cực kỳ rộng lớn
/trɪˈmɛndəs/ :very large in scale or intensity
Ex: It was a tremendous display of fireworks.

5. Prosperity (n): giàu có
/prɑːˈspɛrɪtiː/ :the condition of being prosperous, of having a lot of money or material possessions
Ex: He was surprised by his sudden prosperity


“Be confident.” This is quite possibly one of the most popular pieces of advice you can receive from others. But, what does it really mean? Confidence can vaguely be delineated as believing in your own abilities and competence. It has a vital role in almost every aspect of our lives and can be of crucial importance to an individual to pave their path towards success. It is the starting point in confronting the world and dealing with obstacles.

Confidence is not inborn, but is acquired as we grow. Building self-confidence is imperative, since nothing can be more destructive than a distrust in your own ideas and capabilities.

Despite the importance of being confident, it is indisputable that tremendous amounts of people lack this characteristic. Having low self-esteem is almost the opposite of being confident; it is the absence of confidence. In many cases, low self-esteem can lead to pessimism, which hinders people from attaining success and prosperity in life. Accepting yourself and admitting your weaknesses is of paramount importance in gaining self-confidence.

1. According to the essay, what does confidence mean?

2. How is confidence related to success?

3. Is it possible for people to learn how to be confident?


1. Are you a self-confident person? Explain your answer.

2. What do you think are the advantages of being confident?

3. What is the difference between being confident and being arrogant?

4. How is confidence related to optimism? Why is being optimistic important?

5. What does “Fake it till you make it.” mean? How can this attitude change your life?

6. Do you think confidence is overrated? Why?