What do you think the top 10 most popular hobbies are from around the world?
  1. Traveling
  2. Crafts
  3. Bird Watching
  4. Gardening
Expressions of frequency

Also known as an adverb of frequency, describes how often something occurs

Match the two parts to form “less common” expressions of frequency.
  1. Every
  2. On a
  3. Whenever
  4. Every
  5. Daily basis
  6. Now and then
  7. Other day
  8. I can
Now match the phrases you made above to the more common expressions below:
  1. Once every two days = ___________
  2. Every day = ___________
  3. From time to time = ___________
  4. As often as possible = __________
Give an example of something you do:
  1. Everyday
  2. Sometimes
  3. occasionally
  4. Never do
Read the following passage. NOTE: There are many mistakes in the passage. Have the teacher read the passage and students point out the mistakes they noticed after.

Paula is my cousin. She is berry smart because she likes read. She also love drawing pictures of animals because it wants to make children’s books when she grows up. But she hates swim because she is afraid of the water. She never come to the beach. I love swimming and play in the sea. I want her to come with me sometime.

Read the following text:
Why Hobbies Are Important

Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and enriches our lives. It gives us something fun to do during our free time and affords us the opportunity to learn new skills. We are very fortunate to have so many different options out there today. In fact, there are entire websites devoted to hobbies and interests.

The best way to cultivate a new hobby is to try something new. The world is full of wonderful, exciting activities that we can explore and adopt as our own. Of course, all of us are unique and, therefore, our interests and hobbies vary. But once we find a hobby that we truly enjoy and are passionate about, we become hooked.

There are many reasons why all of us should have at least one hobby, but here are the main advantages:
It makes you more interesting. People who have hobbies have experiences and stories that they can share with others. They also have specialized knowledge that they can teach to anyone who also has an interest in the same topics as they do.

It helps to relieve stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. Hobbies give you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life. They let you relax and seek pleasure in activities that aren’t associated with work, chores or other responsibilities.

Hobbies help you become more patient. In order to develop a new hobby, you have to learn how to do something that is brand new to you. The odds are, there will be a learning curve, and you will need to be patient in order to build your skills.

Having a hobby can help your social life and create a bond with others. A hobby is something that you can frequently enjoy with other people. Whether you join a club, play in a league, or just gift others with the fruits of your labor, a hobby is a great way to meet and get closer to people who have the same interests as you do.

It increases your confidence and self-esteem. The odds are that if you really enjoy an activity, you are usually pretty good at it. Any activity that you can excel in is an opportunity for you to build your confidence and develop pride in your accomplishments.

Hobbies help reduce or eradicate boredom. They give you something to do when you find yourself with nothing to fill your time. They also give you an activity that you can look forward to and get excited about.

It helps you develop new skills. A hobby that you really dedicate your time to will lead you to build new skills. As you spend more time at your hobby you will become better and better at it.

It increases your knowledge. Along with building new skills, you will also gain new knowledge through the development of your hobby.

It enriches your life and gives you a different perspective on things. No matter what type of hobby you choose, you will definitely be exposed to new ideas. Hobbies help you grow in various ways, including exposing you to new opinions and to new ways to look at life.

It challenges you. When you pick a new hobby, you will be involved in activities that are novel and challenging. If you don’t find your hobby challenging, then you also won’t find it engaging, and it will be less enjoyable. That means you need to find a better hobby.

Describe an outdoor activity that you like doing (or do regularly). You should say:

- What this activity is

- Where you do it

- When you do it

- Why you like it.