- What type of places do most people in your hometown live in? Houses, apartments or something else?
- How many rooms do you have in your house/apartment?
- What type of things do people need to have a comfortable home?
- What does the outside of your house look like?
- Which room do you spend the most time in?
- Which room do you spend the least time in?
Bathroom - (e.g. soap)
Kitchen -
Living room -
Bedroom -
Dining room -
Does your house have a room that was not mentioned above?
Describe your bedroom. Please tell us about the size, colour, what you have in your room and try to explain where in the room those things are.
(E.g. I have a brown desk, in the left corner of my room)
Please read the following passage and answer the questions below.
Buying a house or renting an apartment
There are many things to consider when choosing where to live. For example, you should think about space, finances, long-term plans, and even responsibility for repairs and maintenance. This is a big choice for any individual or family, one which requires careful thought in order to choose what is best for you.
Your financial situation is probably the easiest and simplest thing that you should consider. Whether you plan to rent or buy, you will probably be making monthly payments. But how much money can you afford to pay each month? The general rule is that you should spend no more than one-third of your monthly income on housing. In addition, this rule is followed by many apartment companies who require potential renters to show monthly bank statements to prove that they can afford to live there.
Another important consideration is your need for space. If you are single, an apartment will probably be the best choice. However, if you are married with children, you might prefer to buy a house, since they are bigger and usually include a yard, which is great for kids.
One of the most important things to think about when choosing where to live, are your long-term plans. For example, if you are not sure whether or not you plan to permanently stay in your current city or town, then you should avoid buying a house. Many times people make this mistake and find that it is difficult to resell the house when they would like to leave the area. On the other hand, if you are positive you’ll live there for the rest of your life (or at least for many years), buying a house might be your best option.
In addition to the above, you will need to decide if you are able and willing to take responsibility for repairs and maintenance. If you rent an apartment, things such as mowing the yard, pest control and repairs will generally be taken care of for you. However, if you buy your own home, all of this will be your responsibility. Home repairs can be very expensive, so you should ask yourself if you have enough money to make repairs in case of an emergency. Also, things like mowing the yard may be easy for a young, healthy person but different or impossible for an older individual.
- According to the passage, what should you think about when choosing between buying a house and renting an apartment?
- When might buying a house be your best option?
- Which of the following is true about houses?
- Houses are more expensive per month than apartments.
- Houses are usually in better condition than apartments.
- Houses are easier to repair and maintain than apartments.
- Houses are bigger than apartments and usually include a yard.
- According to the passage, what might older individuals have trouble with doing?
- What should you ask yourself about home repairs and maintenance?
Do you like the place you currently live in?
If you could change your house/apartment, what would you add or take away?
Do you think it’s better living in a house or an apartment? Why?
Do you think you can still have a garden even if you don’t have a yard?