The First World War originated in Europe between 1914-18 and spread throughout the world. It is called the Great War or the Global War. WWI was also believed to bring an end to all other wars, hence it was known as ‘war to end all wars’.
But it had not happened and the Second World War was also observed in 1939. This war started on 28th July, 1914 and lasted till 11th November 1918. Approx. one crore seventy lakh people had lost their life and about two Crores got injured. Many died due to epidemics and malnutrition.
The First World War was fought between Allied Powers (France, Britain and Russia; later on the USA joined the war during 1917-18) and the Central Powers (Germany, Japan, And the Ottoman Empire, Italy).
At the end of the war new boundary for Europe was determined. The power of Russia, Germany and Austria were ended and the USA became the ‘Super Power’ of the world. The First World War affected the whole world directly or indirectly.
The First World War was the clash of a long tussle among the European Countries before 1914. The reasons behind the war can be classified into two groups which are mentioned below:-
Long Term Reasons:
– The different events and circumstances such as- feeling of nationality, militarism, communism, economic rivalry, secret and diplomatic treaties, lack of social media like newspapers and radio, lack of international institutions, imbalance in the society etc. were the main reason of the war.
Contemporary Reasons:
– The sign of unrest and disorder in Europe was noticed from a long period of time. The contemporary events put butter into the fire.
Actually the instantaneous reason behind the war was the murder of the successor of the throne of Austria Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand in Bosnia and the blame of the murder was put on Serbia.
The rough ties between the two countries were seen from a long time and this event had given the opportunity to Austria to attack on Serbia. Taking the advantage of the circumstances Austria had compelled Serbia to accept the ten point demand but Serbia refused to accept these inappropriate demands.
As a result on 28th July, 1914 Austria declared a war against Serbia. Many countries were involved in the war one by one and the war had taken a worldwide view.
Conversation Questions
- Do you want to become a soldier?
- Is being a soldier compulsory in your country?
- Would you volunteer to become a soldier?
- Why does your country have an army?
- Which army would you join if you had to?
- Would you be a conscientious objector if your country went to war?
- Which job would you like to have in the army?
- Is having an army a waste of money in your country?
- What are some of the jobs that soldiers do?
- Would you fight for another country other than your own?