- Airline schedule: lịch bay
- Check-in: thủ tục vào cửa
- Commission: tiền hoa hồng
- Compensation: tiền bồi thường
- Amazing(a): đáng ngạc nhiên
- Baggage allowance: lượng hành lí cho phép
- Buget (n) giá
- Bus schedule: Lịch trình xe buýt
- Carrier: công ty cung cấp vận chuyển, hãng hàng không
- Check (v) kiểm tra
- Flyer: tài liệu giới thiệu
- Geographic features: đặc điểm địa lý
- Guide (v) hướng dẫn
- Guide book: sách hướng dẫn
Travel reminds those paying attention that they are not the only ship in the sea, that this is a huge world and that they are only a small, insignificant pea in it. This is quite a humbling experience – to go to another country and see large numbers of peoples living differently, and coming to understand how large the crazy world actually is. When people who learn return home, they keep with them this perspective for the rest of their life and they benefit from this is knowledge and perspective.
Another benefit to traveling is coming to see one’s native country in a different light, in a different way. This is done through being able to compare and contrast home from a foreign location, done most always through traveling. A new perspective may be formed.
1. Have you ever been abroad?
2. Where have you been?
3. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation?
a. If so, where?
b. Who with?
c. How long will you stay?
4. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
5. Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels.
6. What was your best trip.
7. What was your worst trip.