
• Have you ever been under pressure?

• Do you know why people are stressed?


1. Escape from: Chạy trốn khỏi

2. Leave aside : Đặt qua một bên

3. Relax : Thư giãn

4. Daily routine: công thường nhật

5. Prevent : Phòng trống

6. Go on a short trip: Đi một chuyến du lịch ngắn ngày


Modern life has become so demanding nowadays thateveryone is facing the problem of stress. In order to escape the stress due to work pressure people try out different ways to become stress free. These include reading, gardening, cycling, playing and many more things as per their choice.

Firstly, listening to good music is the best way to escape from stress as because it takes us into a different world. While listening to the sweetly composed tunes it makes us forget all the worldly worries. Also we can listen to music anywhere. This helps us in avoiding stress whenever we feel so. Therefore I think listening music is a great way to avoid stress. Secondly, going on a short trip may refresh us and help us to escape from stress. Whenever we go for such trips we just leave aside our daily routine and just try to relax.


• What causes stress?

• How do you recognize stress in your life?

• Have you been under stress recently?

• How does stress affect you?

• How do you relieve stress?