
• What time of the day do you often go to sleep?

• Do you think that sleep is important to your body? Why?


1. Narcolepsy : Chứng ngủ rũ

2. Sleep deprivation: Sự mất ngủ kéo dài

3. Obvious : Rõ ràng

4. Medical condition : trường hợp trong y khoa

5. To contract a disease : Mắc bệnh


We spend one third of our lives sleeping, and yet, some of us never seem to be able to get enough. People all over the world don’t get enough sleep as it comes from a medical condition like narcolepsy, or simply not having enough time in a day.

The effects of getting a good night’s rest are obvious for your health and body. Also, the signs of sleep deprivation are not as hard to point out as you may think. If you do not get enough sleep, you will feel tired in the next day. Moreover, sleep deprivation may cause you to contract some dangerous diseases.


• How many of hours sleep do you generally need per night?

• What time do you usually go to bed?

• Have you ever suffered from insomnia (you can’t sleep at night)?

• Do you use, or have you ever used, any special methods that help you get to sleep?

• Tell us about a memorable, enjoyable, or strange dream you've had?