• Do you have any idea of Easter?
• Do you want to take part in a party of Easter?
1. Ham : Đùi lợn muối, dăm bông
2. Nut : Quả hạch
3. Feast : Bữa tiệc thịnh soạn
4. Commemorate : Tưởng nhớ
5. Sausages : Xúc xích
6. Bell : Cái chuông

Easter in Poland is celebrated with family meals that include ham, sausages, salads, babka (a Polish cake) and mazurka, or sweet cakes filled with nuts, fruit and honey. Many Christians worldwide celebrate Easter with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers and the ringing of church bells. Easter processions are held in some countries such as the Philippines and Spain. Many Christians view Easter as the greatest feast of the Church year. It is a day of joy and celebration to commemorate that Jesus Christ is risen, according to Christian belief.
• How do you celebrate Easter in your country?
• Why do we celebrate Easter?
• What special activities or events happen in Easter?
• If Easter is celebrated in your country, what would you do?
• What do you think about Easter?