1. Have you had anything to share with others recently?

2. Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?


1. Fundamental: Cơ bản

2. Civilization: Nền văn minh

3. Communicate: Giao tiếp

4. Toddler: Trẻ mới biết đi

5. Absurd: Vô lý

6. Awesome: Tuyệt vời

7. Pay-off: sự thưởng phạt


Sharing is fundamental to the development of all human relationships and civilizations. We begin learning to share as soon as we are able to communicate. Often it begins with our parents teaching us the importance of sharing a toy with a friend. In the mind of a toddler, this idea seems absurd at first.

They are thinking, “Why would I want to give up this awesome thing I’m playing with?” But even at that young age, they quickly realize the payoff. And what is it? It is the joy they feel when they see the happiness they have brought to someone else.

Answer the questions
1. What is the passage about?

2. Why we have to share with others?

1.What do you think about the give and take?

2. Do you like sharing with others? Why? Why not?

2. What kind of things do you like to share with others?

3. What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?