Warm – up:
• About how much did you spend on presents last year?
• About how much do you usually spend each day?
• Are you good at saving money?

Make money: Kiếm tiền
Saving for a rainy day: Tiết kiệm tiền cho tương lai
Make ends meet: Kiếm đủ sống
Money talks: Có tiền là có quyền
To spend money: Tiêu tiền
To save money: Để giành tiền
Consume: Tiêu thụ
Rent: Thuê
Mortgage: Thế chấp, cầm cố
Decent: Lịch sự, tao nhã
Upgrade: Nâng cao
Greedy: ham muốn

Why we need much money?
  1. Buy food and consume it to stay alive as a human...
  2. Pay rent, pay for mortgage to provide decent roof on my head so that I can live, not die, to work and take care of other family members who depend on you or live with you...
  3. Pay for your education, training, upgrade skills so that greedy corporation can make more profit and take output/productivity from you...
1.How much money you hope to earn  in the 2020?
2. Do you think that money can buy anything? Why?