
• Do you know any foreign languages?

• What do you think about learning a second language?


1. A trip overseas : Một chuyến đi nước ngoài

2. Manage: Xoay sở

3. Indeed : Thật sự

4. Modern teaching aids: Sự hỗ trợ giảng dạy hiện đại

5. Essential : Cần thiết


Firstly, studying foreign languages helps people to communicate more easily. In many cases in life, we may need foreign languages to talk to others. For instance, one day, you may meet a Japanese traveler on the road, and he askes you for the way to somewhere. If you do not know

Japanese at that time, how can you help him? Another good example is when you have a trip overseas, maybe to the United States. If you do not know some essential words or phrases in English, how can you manage a good holiday there?

In addition, foreign languages may help in studying. Indeed, foreign languages such as English or French now have become an important subjects on the timetable of many schools around the world. In some developing countries, in which the economics development still slow, there is often not enough modern teaching aids and limited study environment, which makes it difficult for teaching and studying.

Therefore, people frequently desire to study abroad in a richer country.

Answer the questions

1. What is the passage about?
2.  What are the benefits of the studying foreign languages?


• What languages do you wish to learn ?

• Have you ever thought about learning a second language? Why or Why not?

• If you had the ability to master a language, what would it be?

• What are the benefits of learning a second language?

• Do you think that it is important that everyone must learn a

second language? Why?