
• Is there a garden in your house?

• Do you think a garden will make your house more beautiful?


1. Household chores : Việc vặt trong gia đình

2. Nature lover : Người yêu thiên nhiên

3. Delightful : Vui vẻ, phẩn khởi

4. Blooming : Nở rộ

5. Space : Không gian

6. Manure : Bón cây


My Garden is my favorite part of my house. I can spend hours in my garden without getting bored. It makes me come alive and I just love that feeling. It is my mother who maintains the garden at our place just as she takes care of various other household chores. She is a huge nature lover and it was her idea to build a beautiful garden at home even though there isn’t a lot of space here.


Our garden is full of colorful flowers. We have a row of roses on one side and a row of seasonal flowers on the other side. These flowers include marigold, petunia, pansy, hollyhock, aster, alyssum, hibiscus, sunflowers and lilies. It is extremely delightful to see these flowers blooming. My mother ensures that the plants get water and manure regularly so that they grow and bloom the way they should. I also help my mother with these activities.

Answer the questions

•  What is the passage about?

• Why does the author like his garden?

• What do you think about the garden in the house?

• Would you prefer to have a garden in your own house? why

• If you have a garden, what plants would you like to have in it?

• Do you know why many people would like to live in a house with a garden?