
• Do you often do the exercise?

• Is it important to do exercises regularly?


1. Business environment:

2. Crucial: Quan trọng

3. Divided into: Phân chia

4. Remote: Hẻo lánh

5. Blur: Mờ, không rõ nét


Is there anything special about the business environment nowadays? Are today's business conditions different from yesterday’s business environment? You may suppose that nothing crucial has happened. In fact, our world becomes different each second, and so does the business environment. 

Before, the world was divided into separate zones that traded among each other. Europe, North America, South America, Australia, and Asia were remote travel partners. Today the availability of online trade blurred the borders. The business world became flat to the point that trade among countries is performed within one click of a mouse or the command of the voice. Therefore, starting a business venture today is easier than it was a decade ago.

Answer the questions
• What is the passage about?
• Is there anything new about the business environment nowadays?


• What do you think about the business nowadays?
• Do you agree that doing business with foreign country canmake ours stronger?
• If you had a chance to do the business, what field would you invest in?
• Is it risky to invest in a business that is new to the world? Why?