1. Do you like adventure?
2. Have you ever taken risk?
3. What do you feel when you have to take risk?
Adventure: Mạo hiểm
Positively: Một cách tích cực
Negatively: Một cách tiêu cực
Adventurous people: Những người ưa mạo hiểm
Go ahead: bắt đầu làm gì
Coward: Nhát gan
Fearful: Sợ hãi

Adventure is the experience of some exciting activities. It is the unusual experience which comes from the activities full of courage, excitement and joy. It never thinks about the result. It may result positively which gives some benefits and negatively which hurts and make losses. However, adventurous people never min the result and continue their adventure.
Adventure exists in everything however it differs in the people’s mind. Adventurous people think about the adventure as a new chance and opportunity to go ahead and get success or experiences through failure however coward people take it as a fearful act and never try to do.
Answer the questions
1. What is the passage about?
2. What is adventure?
3. What does adventurous people think about the adventure
Adventure is the experience of some exciting activities. It is the unusual experience which comes from the activities full of courage, excitement and joy. It never thinks about the result. It may result positively which gives some benefits and negatively which hurts and make losses. However, adventurous people never min the result and continue their adventure.
Adventure exists in everything however it differs in the people’s mind. Adventurous people think about the adventure as a new chance and opportunity to go ahead and get success or experiences through failure however coward people take it as a fearful act and never try to do.
Answer the questions
1. What is the passage about?
2. What is adventure?
3. What does adventurous people think about the adventure