1. Do you live in a nuclear family or an extended family?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family?
  3. What impact has divorce and/or modern day living had on the family?
  4. Is the nanny and/or the day-care centre the third parent?
  5. Where is the best place to raise a family?
  6. Where do you think the best place to raise a family is? Why?
  7. What can make you happy in the long term/ short term? Consider the following: job satisfaction, a loving family, good health, plenty of money, strong religious believes, ...
  8. What do you think of your mother and your father?
  9. Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?
  10. What's the hardest thing you ever had to do?
  11. What was the most important thing your parents taught you?
  12. What's the best thing about your mom?