1. Do you know his full name? (Karol Wojityla)
2. Where was he born? (Wadowice, Poland)
3. What was his birthdate? (May 18, 1920)
4. When was he elected Pope? (Oct. 16, 1978)
5. When was he the victim of an attempted assassination? (May 1981)
6. How many trips to foreign lands had he made? (more than 100)
7. Where were you when you heard the Pope had died?
8. Why was he known as "the Globetrotter Pope"?
9. Why was he important?
10. Why did people admire him?
11. What did he do for humanity?
12. What was his approach towards other religions?
13. How was he different from other Popes?
14. When did he receive the then Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev at the Vatican? 1989
15. What was his political approach towards the East?
16. How is a Pope elected?